Valuation tool for Autovia

Valuation tool at Autovia landing image

There are a plethora of users that are ready to buy, sell or lease - the issue is engaging them. We need to build a tool to captivate them, to expose them to partners in the right place, at the right time. Thus, we created the Valuation Tool.

Valuation tool consists of the following features:

  1. User and vehicle data capture
  2. Optional data input for further insight
  3. Three user journeys for car owners (selling or buying) / buyers
  4. A prominent, pre-filled Motorway widget at end of journey
  5. New car buying, used car classifieds at end of journey
Valuation tool user journey Valuation tool results page

With the new Valuation tool we saw an increase in monthly first party data profiles of almost 10,000%. 40% of users entering the valuation tool completed the journey verses 6% previously.

In terms of SEO, we started out in 15th place on a Google results page, but after 3 months, we jumped to middle place.

In just under two months, Motorway received 35 enquiries about selling their car, which meant the tool added a good quantity of value.

With the new valuation tool Autovia now has access to real, in-depth data about the number of users who are in the process of buying a car, upgrading from another, insuring, or selling. In addition, we now have data on the average price of the car they owned, what make it was, and what make they were interested in buying.

Invaluable data from the valuation tool. We were now in a position to surface content truly catered to our users and nurture them along their journey.